
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Episode 108 - The Pasts Future
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Elton and Scott discuss what the 2020's will be like from the eyes of a 1960's mind. Also where we're going.
We hope you enjoy this episode.
Follow Elton on Twitter :- @EltonMcManus
Follow Shonky Lab on Twitter :- @ShonkyLab
Join the Facebook Group :- Shonky Lab On Facebook
Shonky Lab is a proud member of RogueTwoMedia
Please do check out some other fine podcasts
The Black Dog Podcast – Movie Review Show.
Into The Expanse - Andy and Elton review The Expanse
The Great Derelict – Space, spaceship and Sci-Fi talk with Andy
Band Of Brothers Podcast - Reviewing the classic HBO show
Hypnogoria - Talk about all things weird and wonderful
From The Earth To The Moon - Covering Apollo 13 and the HBO Series
Grand Prix Podcast – Formula 1 review show
bOrgcast - Star Trek talk and beer
We also encourage you to check out the ever talented Mr. Danny Davies and his amazing art.
Thank you for listening to Shonky Lab by RogueTwoMedia. If you enjoy what you heard then I would encourage you to spread the word as others may also be interested in our content. Other ways you can help are by rating and reviewing us in good ol’ iTunes. Every five-star review helps us up a magical mystery ladder which helps our rankings and exposes’ us to a larger audience.
You can also help us, if you wish, by joining Patreon. This will support Shonky Lab and other shows on offer at Rogue Two Media by helping out with continued hosting and equipment fees.
You can also donate via PayPal if you so wish, each donation is warmly received and all go towards keeping the lights on at Rogue Two Media and Shonky Lab.
Thanks for your continued support.

Monday Jan 09, 2023
Episode 107 - Sjöberg’s Lists
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Elton is joined by Scott to run through a couple of lists.
We hope you enjoy this episode.
Follow Elton on Twitter :- @EltonMcManus
Follow Shonky Lab on Twitter :- @ShonkyLab
Join the Facebook Group :- Shonky Lab On Facebook
Shonky Lab is a proud member of RogueTwoMedia
Please do check out some other fine podcasts
The Black Dog Podcast – Movie Review Show.
Into The Expanse - Andy and Elton review The Expanse
The Great Derelict – Space, spaceship and Sci-Fi talk with Andy
Band Of Brothers Podcast - Reviewing the classic HBO show
Hypnogoria - Talk about all things weird and wonderful
From The Earth To The Moon - Covering Apollo 13 and the HBO Series
Grand Prix Podcast – Formula 1 review show
bOrgcast - Star Trek talk and beer
We also encourage you to check out the ever talented Mr. Danny Davies and his amazing art.
Thank you for listening to Shonky Lab by RogueTwoMedia. If you enjoy what you heard then I would encourage you to spread the word as others may also be interested in our content. Other ways you can help are by rating and reviewing us in good ol’ iTunes. Every five-star review helps us up a magical mystery ladder which helps our rankings and exposes’ us to a larger audience.
You can also help us, if you wish, by joining Patreon. This will support Shonky Lab and other shows on offer at Rogue Two Media by helping out with continued hosting and equipment fees.
You can also donate via PayPal if you so wish, each donation is warmly received and all go towards keeping the lights on at Rogue Two Media and Shonky Lab.
Thanks for your continued support.

Friday Dec 02, 2022
Episode 106 - Star Wars Chat
Friday Dec 02, 2022
Friday Dec 02, 2022
Elton is joined Scott to discuss the recent-ish Star Wars tv and films.
We hope you enjoy this episode.
LIVE Episodes are recorded on the RogueTwoMedia Twitch page.
Skype :- ShonkyLab
Follow Elton on Twitter :- @EltonMcManus
Follow Shonky Lab on Twitter :- @ShonkyLab
Join the Facebook Group :- Shonky Lab On Facebook
Shonky Lab is a proud member of RogueTwoMedia
Please do check out some other fine podcasts
The Black Dog Podcast – Movie Review Show.
Into The Expanse – Andy and Elton review The Expanse
The Great Derelict – Space, spaceship and Sci-Fi talk with Andy
Band Of Brothers Podcast – Reviewing the classic HBO show
Hypnogoria – Talk about all things weird and wonderful
From The Earth To The Moon – Covering Apollo 13 and the HBO Series
Grand Prix Podcast – Formula 1 review show
LSG Media – Excellent TV and film reviews
bOrgcast – Star Trek talk and beer
The Flix Capacitor – Time Travel Film Reviews.
We also encourage you to check out the ever talented Mr. Danny Davies and his amazing art.
Thank you for listening to Shonky Lab by RogueTwoMedia. If you enjoy what you heard then I would encourage you to spread the word as others may also be interested in our content. Other ways you can help are by rating and reviewing us in good ol’ iTunes. Every five-star review helps us up a magical mystery ladder which helps our rankings and exposes’ us to a larger audience.
You can also help us, if you wish, by joining Patreon. This will support Shonky Lab and other shows on offer at Rogue Two Media by helping out with continued hosting and equipment fees.
You can also donate via PayPal if you so wish, each donation is warmly received and all go towards keeping the lights on at Rogue Two Media and Shonky Lab.
Thanks for your continued support.

Saturday Nov 12, 2022
Ep 105 - A.I. Bots
Saturday Nov 12, 2022
Saturday Nov 12, 2022
Elton is joined by the long lost Scott Copperman to discuss online A.I.
We hope you enjoy.
Links in the show.... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4643084/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_45
LIVE Episodes are recorded on the RogueTwoMedia Twitch page.
Skype :- ShonkyLab
Follow Elton on Twitter :- @EltonMcManus
Follow Shonky Lab on Twitter :- @ShonkyLab
Join the Facebook Group :- Shonky Lab On Facebook
Shonky Lab is a proud member of RogueTwoMedia
Please do check out some other fine podcasts
The Black Dog Podcast – Movie Review Show.
Into The Expanse - Andy and Elton review The Expanse
The Great Derelict – Space, spaceship and Sci-Fi talk with Andy
Band Of Brothers Podcast - Reviewing the classic HBO show
Hypnogoria - Talk about all things weird and wonderful
From The Earth To The Moon - Covering Apollo 13 and the HBO Series
Grand Prix Podcast – Formula 1 review show
LSG Media - Excellent TV and film reviews
bOrgcast - Star Trek talk and beer
The Flix Capacitor - Time Travel Film Reviews.
We also encourage you to check out the ever talented Mr. Danny Davies and his amazing art.
Thank you for listening to Shonky Lab by RogueTwoMedia. If you enjoy what you heard then I would encourage you to spread the word as others may also be interested in our content. Other ways you can help are by rating and reviewing us in good ol’ iTunes. Every five-star review helps us up a magical mystery ladder which helps our rankings and exposes’ us to a larger audience.
You can also help us, if you wish, by joining Patreon. This will support Shonky Lab and other shows on offer at Rogue Two Media by helping out with continued hosting and equipment fees.
You can also donate via PayPal if you so wish, each donation is warmly received and all go towards keeping the lights on at Rogue Two Media and Shonky Lab.
Thanks for your continued support.

Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Episode 104 - ReBoots
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Welcome to the latest episode of Shonky Lab and by a twist of fate, a reboot of An Apotheosis Of A Bombast (Thanks Jim).
Elton is joined by Mr. Lee Medcalf (The Black Dog Podcast) and Mr. Scott Copperman (An Apotheosis of a Bombast, Rethinking LOST, Rethinking The X-Files) to talk about ReBoots. (No, that's not Newcastle for robots)
Check out all the other shows in the links below and Chuck us a Buck in the Patreon/PayPal to help keep the lights on.
Next time out:- Pirates
Please join the Facebook group to keep up to date on future episodes. As always we encourage you to join us in the Mixlr chat room and feel free to Skype in - eltonmcmanus
If you would like to be a part of the show in the future please drop by the Shonky Lab Facebook Page to keep an eye out for the recording schedule, the LIVE shows are recorded over at Mixlr.com/roguetwomedia/
If you want to call in during the show then please Skype – eltonmcmanus
Shonky Lab is a proud member of RogueTwoMedia
Please do check out some other fine podcasts
The Black Dog Podcast – Movie Review Show.
The Great Derelict – Space, spaceship and Sci-Fi talk with Andy
Band Of Brothers Podcast - Reviewing the classic HBO show
Hypnobobs - Talk about all things weird and wonderful
From The Earth To The Moon - Covering Apollo 13 and the HBO Series
Grand Prix Podcast – Formula 1 review show
LSG Media Excellent TV and film reviews
bOrgcast Star Trek talk and beer
We also encourage you to check out the ever talented Mr. Danny Davies and his amazing art.
Thank you for listening to Shonky Lab by RogueTwoMedia. If you enjoy what you heard then I would encourage you to spread the word as others may also be interested in our content. Other ways you can help are by rating and reviewing us in good ol’ iTunes. Every five-star review helps us up a magical mystery ladder which helps our rankings and exposes’ us to a larger audience.
You can also help us, if you wish, by becoming a Patreon. This will support Shonky Lab and other shows on offer at Rogue Two Media by helping out with continued hosting and equipment fees. Please have a look and see whats on offer as there are new shows in the pipeline.
You can also donate via PayPal if you so wish, each donation is warmly received and all go towards keeping the lights on at Rogue Two Media and Shonky Lab.
Thanks for your continued support.
"Monkeys Spinning Monkeys" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Saturday Jun 09, 2012
Episode 103 - We Need More Bees
Saturday Jun 09, 2012
Saturday Jun 09, 2012
Haha! The guys are back!.... you know, the English guy with the funny name and the American... no? Well anyway Scott and Elton are here to talk about many things from Bin Ladden to Bees. So sit back and enjoy...

Monday Apr 16, 2012
Episode 102 - Don't Cut Your Foot Off
Monday Apr 16, 2012
Monday Apr 16, 2012
Welcome and thanks for sticking around. This weeks episode of An Apotheosis of a Bombast includes some facts, a tooth and a small bit about petrol. In news, a man cuts his foot off, Panda Poo Tea, an Obama lookalike and is there really a zombie breakout? We hope you enjoy. Sorry about the gaps between the shows but that's life at the moment. Don't forget to spread the word you lovely people.

Monday Mar 12, 2012
Episode 101 - Give The Big Man His Space
Monday Mar 12, 2012
Monday Mar 12, 2012
The guys (Scott and Elton) hit Room 101 for episode .... well..... 101. But before that, they talk Monkees, urinals, old adverts, dentures, Alvin and the Chipmunks and Nazis from the moon. Enjoy and spread the word. Also don't forget to visit the Facebook page and Rogue Two for a ton of other great podcasts. You'll find Creeping with Armstrong, Dissecting Dexter, The Paul Goebel Show, Earth Station One, Podtourage, Gareths Waste of Time, Geek Squared Podcast, Hypnobobs, The Ice Podcast, Matts Musical Concepts, What Duvet Said, Rethinking LOST and Shonky Lab. Thanks for the support. bombastpodcast@gmail.com

Thursday Feb 16, 2012
Episode 100 - Be The Brush
Thursday Feb 16, 2012
Thursday Feb 16, 2012
The guys have made it to 100! Hand shakes all round. This 100/birthday/start of the year episode includes cool mobility scooters, Star Wars talk (isn't there always?) and the 'send us 100 what?' thing Scott came up with a little while ago. Scott and Elton also get to use the Letters jingle because, you know, people e-mailed in. It's how it works you know. Thank you for sticking with the show. It means a lot. so raise your glasses to the next .... well.... at least a few. Enjoy and spread the word. Also don't forget to visit the Facebook page, Rogue Two for a ton of other great podcasts including Shonky Lab and Eltons RedBubble page. Cheers.

Wednesday Dec 21, 2011
Episode 099 - A Pencil Sketch Can Save The World
Wednesday Dec 21, 2011
Wednesday Dec 21, 2011
2012 is round the corner, the fall out of the tsunami and drawing alien planets are just a few things Elton & Scott are talking about this week. In news, Shepherds have 'food poisoning', you can't text words in Pakistan and 5 crazy looking fish. The year is rounded off with a Ice-cream or Band name quiz. Enjoy and spread the word. Also don't forget to visit the Facebook page, Rogue Two for a ton of other great podcasts and Eltons RedBubble page. Cheers.

Tuesday Dec 06, 2011
Episode 098 - No Real Than You Are Means Something
Tuesday Dec 06, 2011
Tuesday Dec 06, 2011
Gold in the sea, weird animals in the sea as well? you must of found/stumbled across/accidentally downloaded An Apotheosis of a Bombast. Well done. This week Scott & Elton also talk and mull over Mars, MW3, WWE, Tin Tin and the Muppets. In the news the guys find a man with a frozen armadillo, Life-size Lego man washes up, a chainsaw burglar terrifies wrong resident and a 'Hillbilly' with a chainsaw. Enjoy and spread the word. Also don't forget to visit the Facebook page, Rogue Two for a ton of other great podcasts and Eltons RedBubble page. Cheers.

Monday Nov 14, 2011
Episode 097 - Men Love Buttery Lumps & Bumps
Monday Nov 14, 2011
Monday Nov 14, 2011
Are we in the Euro? iPhone and Siri, do all pilots speak english... all this and more in this weeks episode of An Apotheosis of a Bombast. Also on the cards, what happened over Halloween, Guess the Google, Do a barrel roll, Alien in the Amazon, £5M for an iPad, and ....... AND!!!!!..... What a guy found on his girlfriend. Enjoy and spread the word. Also don't forget to visit the Facebook page and Rogue Two for a ton of other great podcasts. You'll Find Creeping With Armstrong, Dissecting Dexter, The Paul Goebel Show, Earth Station One, Gareth's Waste of Time, Geek Squared Podcast, Hypnobobs, The Ice Podcast, Matt's Musical Concepts, What Duvet Said & Rethinking LOST. Thanks for the support. bombastpodcast@gmail.com

Thursday Oct 27, 2011
Episode 096 - Check Your Satellite Feed
Thursday Oct 27, 2011
Thursday Oct 27, 2011
We're after '100 of something'... it's up to you what you want to send (and when we say send we mean e-mail). It could be 100 pens, 100 batteries or maybe 100 popped balloons, it's up to you just send us 100 of something. Anyway apart from that there's chat of Paint-balling (literally), satellite delay and Grange Hill vs Nelly. Enjoy and please spread the word you lovely lot. If you enjoy then please spread the word and give Rogue Two a little look for more wonderful podcasts. Also check out Wonky Finger for a new set of T-Shirts. Cheers.

Thursday Oct 20, 2011
Episode 095 - Take The Call 09141
Thursday Oct 20, 2011
Thursday Oct 20, 2011
Han Solo biscuits? F1 2011? Battlefield 3? Brain waves? If any of these tickle your fancy then your in the right place. Scott and Elton chat about these and more including a satellite crashing, so who pays? Binary solar system, a girl drinking blood and a bus driver hides from the cops. All this and more await you lucky lot in this weeks An Apotheosis Of A Bombast. If you enjoy then please spread the word and give Rogue Two a little look for more wonderful podcasts. Also check out Wonky Finger for a new set of T-Shirts. Cheers.

Wednesday Sep 21, 2011
Episode 094 - You've Got To Plug Your Winky
Wednesday Sep 21, 2011
Wednesday Sep 21, 2011
Which initials do you use on old computer score boards, what should you do if you find money and selling a TV for 99p.... and that's just to start. In news... people building a space shuttle in their garden, a motorcyclist has a lucky escape, a toe as a thumb & time travelers or just lost? To finish an eel swims up a mans penis. Enjoy and spread the word. Also don't forget to visit the Facebook page and Rogue Two for a ton of other great podcasts. You'll Find Creeping With Armstrong, Dissecting Dexter, The Paul Goebel Show, Earth Station One, Gareth's Waste of Time, Geek Squared Podcast, Hypnobobs, The Ice Podcast, Matt's Musical Concepts & Rethinking LOST. Thanks for the support. bombastpodcast@gmail.com