
Thursday Sep 08, 2011
Episode 093 - Lawd Above! Cleverbot's A Meenie, Innit.
Thursday Sep 08, 2011
Thursday Sep 08, 2011
Welcome pickles, this is episode 93 of An Apotheosis of a Bombast. This week Elton watched Cars 2 & Skyline, had songs stuck in his head and worked out how many days old Scott is. Scott in the meantime, played with the Cleverbot sold a Super NES and learned how to speak cockney..... kinda ...... well no, no he didn't. Anyway, enjoy you lovely lot, if you do then please spread the word. Also don't forget to visit the Facebook page and Rogue Two for a ton of other great podcasts. You'll Find Creeping With Armstrong, Dissecting Dexter, Earh Station One, Gareth's Waste of Time, Geek Squared Podcast, Hypnobobs, The Ice Podcast, Matt's Musical Concepts & Rethinking LOST. Thanks for the support. bombastpodcast@gmail.com

Tuesday Aug 30, 2011
Episode 092 - Make It An 18
Tuesday Aug 30, 2011
Tuesday Aug 30, 2011
Welcome again to An Apotheosis of a Bombast. Scott's back so the guys hit Dora the Explorer, Fireman Sam, Retro Top Trumps and Bert & Ernie not getting married. Then there's a load of chat about Batman vs Superman, Spiderman, Conan, Comics and The Thing. Hopefully you'll enjoy and come back again, if you do then please spread the word. Also don't forget to visit Rogue Two for a ton of other great podcasts. You'll Find Creeping With Armstrong, Dissecting Dexter, Earh Station One, Gareth's Waste of Time, Geek Squared Podcast, Hypnobobs, The Ice Podcast, Matt's Musical Concepts & Rethinking LOST. Thanks for the support.

Tuesday Aug 30, 2011
Episode 091 - Check Your Finger Length
Tuesday Aug 30, 2011
Tuesday Aug 30, 2011
Welcome to a bit of a mucky episode. The reason for it's muskiness? Well James of course. Scott's away this episode so Elton takes the controls and heads to a world of Chat roulette, stuffing turkeys, scientific death match, Niagara Falls, round-a-bouts, dogging, men with iPhones, E-Wok villages & looking Christmas presents. To finish we have the inaugural Slurp Off and a look at finger length. Enjoy.

Wednesday Aug 17, 2011
Episode 090 God Supports The Breast Milk Baby
Wednesday Aug 17, 2011
Wednesday Aug 17, 2011
Well look what happens when we leave you guys for five minutes... Riots in London, Looters everywhere and a lady with dangly bits on her truck. Tut tut tut. Well welcome back everyone to An Apotheosis of a Bombast, sorry for the small hiatus but hey... stuff happens. This week as you may have guess we have Batman looking for friends, riots kick off, WWE tickets are bought & Baboons escape. (The Baboons didn't really escape so don't panic yet) To finish off the guys hit a breast feeding baby doll and a lady has fake testicles taken off her truck. Enjoy, spread the word, join the Facebook page, send us e-mails & rate us on iTunes. Cheers.

Thursday Aug 11, 2011
Michael Calls
Thursday Aug 11, 2011
Thursday Aug 11, 2011
Well, here we are again... Elton receives another sales/get info out of you/dodge-pot-McDoogle phone call from a guy called John, no hang on... Michael. Anyway it's not the greatest phone call in the world but you can't have gold every time can you. Hopefully you'll enjoy, if you do please visit the other episodes up and available at bombastpodcast.podbean.com An Apotheosis of a Bombast is also a proud member of the Rogue Two network so please check the other shows out there. There's also a Facebook page and a brand new Google+ page. Your big enough to find them yourselves :-) Enjoy.

Wednesday Jul 13, 2011
Episode 089 - Bring A Bigger Suitcase
Wednesday Jul 13, 2011
Wednesday Jul 13, 2011
Hello there you lovely lot and if it's your first time, Welcome! You've managed to find/accidentally download/stumble upon/click the wrong link to the world of An Apotheosis of a Bombast. Well done you. This week Scott and Elton literally listen to a cartoon tiger on the loo, pee in the shower, a man tries to escape jail in a suitcase, read an e-mail and ask questions. The guys have also decided that all cats, from now on, should be called Ian. Hopefully you'll enjoy and come back again. If you do, please spread the word, visit the Facebook page, check out the show notes @ http://bombastpodcast.podbean.com or send an E-mail to bombast@gmail.com Also check out www.roguetwo.com for more great shows. Cheers.

Monday Jul 04, 2011
Episode 088 - Sharks Are Scary
Monday Jul 04, 2011
Monday Jul 04, 2011
Congratulations dear listener, you've just got your grubby little mitts on a new episode of An Apotheosis of a Bombast. This week Scott & Elton talk sleepwalking, Go-Karts, the government tracking your moves, Ryan Dunn, a motorbike crash, the ugly dance and looking for Bin Laden. There's also an E-mail in there somewhere. :-) Enjoy and spread the word, please e-mail the guys @ bombastpodcast@gmail.com or drop a story on the Facebook page. Please also check out the Rogue Two site where there is a growing collection of podcasts to choose from. Many thanks.

Tuesday Jun 28, 2011
God Calls & Gets Cross
Tuesday Jun 28, 2011
Tuesday Jun 28, 2011
This is a quick but special episode of An Apotheosis of a Bombast. As you may remember a little while ago Elton had a sales call which he recorded, packaged up and sent it out to you wonderful people to download and enjoy (The 'No Win No Fee' Call). Well here's another one..... just for you. This time around it's a call from a 24talk sales man.... opps.... no, this is not a sales call...... it's a call to see if we're interested... kind of. Anyway hopefully you'll enjoy. If you do please spread the word about An Apotheosis of a Bombast. E-mail's are always welcome @ bombastpodcast@gmail.com , Join the Facebook page and add to the news stories, if you have time you could write a review in iTunes which would really help the show or you could find Elton (@eltonmcmanus) & Scott (@shc1970) on twitter. Cheers.

Wednesday Jun 22, 2011
Episode 087 - That Box Is The Greatest Invention Ever. EVER!
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011
Another episode of Bombast is upon you guys, so what's in store we hear you cry.... Well there's accents, a cannibal, a profile hoax, a council doesn't have a zombie plan, the eHarmony bio Real or Fake?, a 7 yr old receives a breast implant voucher and what animals would look good in clothes? To round everything up there's 15 worthless inventions. We hope you enjoy the show. If you have any feedback on any of the stories or items this episode then please send it to bombastpodcast@gmail.com Until next time..... cheers.

Wednesday Jun 15, 2011
Episode 086 - Party @ Rico's
Wednesday Jun 15, 2011
Wednesday Jun 15, 2011
Oh! Oh! look....... it's another episode of An Apotheosis of a Bombast. Let's hope it's a good one. Well this week Elton & Scott talk M&M world, the Indy 500 final lap, the Human Centipede II, was there a film called Driller Killer? and ever seen Fritz the Cat? Teens are also warned about using 'Vodka Tampon'...... those crazy kids. The guys finish up somehow talking racism, hobo clowns and kids with Nurf guns in a wonderful video. Thank you for listening. Don't forget to join the Facebook page and add your own stories, tweet the guys, e-mail the show @ bombastpodcast@gmail.com and get some ideas in for a 2012 T-Shirt. Cheers.

Tuesday Jun 07, 2011
Episode 085 - You Have To Stick To Your Story
Tuesday Jun 07, 2011
Tuesday Jun 07, 2011
Welcome dear listeners to another episode of An Apotheosis of a Bombast. Make yourself comfy as Scott & Elton dive into Obama's car getting stuck, Obama getting drowned out by trumpets, things that used to be free, the Duchess of Cambridge can't have babies? & Queuing for rides. In other news Marmite is banned? and a truck driver blows up like a balloon, at this point the guys find the 6 most bizarre medical hoaxes...... nice. Anyway enjoy, spread the word and join in by emailing bombastpodcast@gmail.com, 'Like' the Facebook page and check out the show notes @ bombastpodcast.podbean.com

Thursday May 26, 2011
Episode 084 - None Of Us Have Any Morals
Thursday May 26, 2011
Thursday May 26, 2011
Welcome listeners to An Apotheosis of a Bombast. This week, as Scott is away Lording it up in the sun, Elton has invited four 'Guest Producers' in the shape of Dave Robinson, Mike Carson, Richard Smith and Andrew Dickerson to help him through the world of news and websites. News takes the guys through the Rapture and Zombies, circumcision, a German orgy, a baby named 'Like', Police chasing a cuddly toy, a Woman with a sword, Russel Brand and Dead or Alive. The website search bemuses the team as they discover the wonderful 'Hover Car'. If you enjoy this episode then please dive into the archives, there's lots of great stuff there. Contact Elton and Scott @ bombastpodcast@gmail.com Please visit Mikes Flicker page and Tech it or Leave it, a tech podcast from Rich and Andrew available on Simply Syndicated.com (All links are in the show notes @ http://bombastpodcast.podbean.com Oh, and please spread the word. Cheers.

Monday May 16, 2011
Episode 083 - Always Check Your Safety
Monday May 16, 2011
Monday May 16, 2011
Welcome everyone to another episode of An Apotheosis of a Bombast. This week the guys called Scott and Elton bring you such wonders as Calculator watches, Disney Star Wars Weekend, was Bin Laden watching Babe station? and a little on the Royal wedding. In news the guys hit on a man with a gun, a student with a dress, a zombie house and a man with an expensive car. Oh and don't forget to check out osalt.com for all your open source needs. Enjoy, spread the word and don't spend it all at once.

Wednesday May 04, 2011
Episode 082 - 20 Year Old Stats Don't Matter
Wednesday May 04, 2011
Wednesday May 04, 2011
Welcome everyone to Episode 82 of An Apotheosis of a Bombast..... hey, your welcome. This week Scott & Elton chat about the "upcoming" Royal Wedding (yes we know it's been and gone), NFL strike, Playstation Network is hacked, iPhone is tracking you and Obama has a birth certificate. The guys also look at sending an e-mail to other planets and scented candles. We do hope you enjoy, hey if you do then spread the word. Please also check out www.roguetwo.com for other wonderful shows. Nice one.

Tuesday Apr 19, 2011
Episode 081 - Fecking is not worth the price
Tuesday Apr 19, 2011
Tuesday Apr 19, 2011
Hello to each and every one of you. This week you find Elton & Scott checking their balls in Male Cancer Awareness Week, fake decking, the games of Kronom & Kabaddi and some ungrateful kids going to Disney Land. Plumping up the episode is talk of The Walking Dead and Primer. There’s also 14 basic skills of men, the Commodore 64 is back and an aircraft carrier is for sale. Enjoy you lovely lot.