
Saturday Jan 16, 2010
Episode 038 - Sometimes You Have to Go For the Feet As Well
Saturday Jan 16, 2010
Saturday Jan 16, 2010
Christmas has come and gone, but Scott and Elton aren't quite done talkin' about it. So, what year is this exactly? How'd Scott's son manage giving a gift to his crush? Should you draw fingers when playing Hangman? What new beverage does Elton refuse to try? How many partridges should you expect to get for Christmas? Whose eyelashes will be used to make up the Bombast Human? All these questions and more are answered within Episode 038. Enjoy, and please don't hesitate to reach out to us on twitter, the main site, or via email.

Wednesday Dec 30, 2009
Episode 037 - A Dogs Bum is not a Beer Opener
Wednesday Dec 30, 2009
Wednesday Dec 30, 2009
Happy New Year fellow Bombastians and welcome to episode 37. In this weeks show we set a wrong right after we find out the human fat murders are a hoax, discuss a paralymipan who crawled across an airport floor, a man wakes from a 23 year coma and a student kills himself with chewing gum. We finish with the Top 10 Doggie presents you can buy for your little pooch. If you have any news, comments, feedback, bombast human body parts or general chit-chat then please email us: bombastpodcast@googlemail.com Thank you, enjoy and spread the word.

Wednesday Dec 23, 2009
Episode 036 - Don't Use the W Word in Polite Company
Wednesday Dec 23, 2009
Wednesday Dec 23, 2009
The 2010 World Cup (no, that's not the "W word") is still months away and Elton's already talking trash. Perhaps it's because he drove Tiger Woods (no, that's not it either) into early retirement. Scott's son has a Christmas gift for his first crush, and Wiki-how (nope, that's still not it) is full of advice about how to let her know... with a British accent, no less. You know you're dying to know what the W word is... there's only one way to find out: listen to the show. (And while you're at it, go check out some of the classics - still available on itunes and on our main site: http://bombastpodcast.podbean.com )

Wednesday Dec 09, 2009
Episode 035 - Scott's Never Had Marmite
Wednesday Dec 09, 2009
Wednesday Dec 09, 2009
Welcome listeners to another episode of Bombast. Why do we stick very hot food in our mouth? Why do we press buttons harder instead of changing the batteries? These are the two questions posed by Elton ............ because he does both. The guys then reminisce about the old Track n Field video game (there's a link to play it in the show notes), skip over an email, and find out Scott's house has been put up for sale. In news, Humans are killed for fat (this story has been shot to sunshine now, tune in next episode), Placenta is rubbed into the ankle of a football player & Miss Argentina dies after an operation on her bottom. Marmite is also stolen. The episode is rounded off nicely with a 'Save Fruit Pie the Magician' web site. A BIG thank you for everyone who has sent in their body parts (unwanted or otherwise) we have loads but need more. Keep 'em coming. Thanks for giving us a go. We hope you enjoy it and spread the word.

Wednesday Dec 02, 2009
The Great Human Bombast
Wednesday Dec 02, 2009
Wednesday Dec 02, 2009
Hi there wonderful listeners, we have a little task we would like you to partake in. We're going to build a human......... oh yes but not just any human, no that would be too easy. The human we want to build is made up of the greatest thing we could think of.....................YOU! Mwhahaha, mwhahaha! Thats right, we would like you to send in your body parts. Your best features, your worst features, bits that work and bits that stopped working many, many moons ago. Think you can do it? Then send it all to bombastpodcast@gmail.com or Twitter us @ Twitter (Elton): eltonmcmanus Twitter (Scott): shc1970 Thank you.

Saturday Nov 21, 2009
Episode 034 - Sterling Hedgpeth Is A Wonderful Name
Saturday Nov 21, 2009
Saturday Nov 21, 2009
Todays show starts with a nod to Rememberance Day & Friday 13th, Anna from Indiana drops us a line about Tweepdiff, Elton watches most of Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus and finaly sees the Google van. Then onto the news where burglars draw on their faces, blood and mice are found at KFC & a lady passes her written driving test on the 950th attempt. To end we talk names. Do they really spell success and should Scott be written into an Enid Blyton book? If you have any news, comments, feedback or general chit-chat then please email us: bombastpodcast@googlemail.com Thank you.

Wednesday Nov 11, 2009
Episode 033 - Wait Until After Hours To Lube Your Coaster
Wednesday Nov 11, 2009
Wednesday Nov 11, 2009
Apologies apologies apologies for the lateness of the show, length of the show and the quality of Elton’s microphone… there, that feels a bit better. Welcome, dear listener, to Episode 33. In this bumper edition, hard covered, numbered, gold stamped, certificated episode we have a near death experience, a burglar murder, shark bites, insects, a list which is 12 fold and an interesting look at plane crashes. We reference several links, they're all in the show notes. Thank you for your patience. If you have any news, comments, feedback or general chit-chat then please email us @ bombastpodcast@googlemail.com Cheers

Tuesday Oct 27, 2009
Episode 032 - Mark Your Territory Here
Tuesday Oct 27, 2009
Tuesday Oct 27, 2009
Let's be honest, there's not a lot to this episode: it's a big chat about Twitter. What we do learn is 'Who's favoring your tweets', 'Twitter etiquette' and '10 rules of twitter' from a guy who breaks them all and looks like Elton John. Scott reveals he has a secret Twitter account. We then look into Hello Kitty. Why do their condoms look like lolly-pops? Did you know it was her birthday today? Did you buy her a gift? Enjoy and please email or tweet us with feedback or stories. Thank you.

Thursday Oct 15, 2009
Episode 031 - Bacon Lip Balm Is Not Meant For Dogs
Thursday Oct 15, 2009
Thursday Oct 15, 2009
First of all, welcome to the first guest producer of Bombast..... Mr. Matt Cullane. Elton & Scott put Matt through his paces with sound effects, Kokology, and Mallets Mallet. In news, Sony is in hot water with Nigerians and there's bacon flavoured lip balm for sale. We hope you enjoy the show.

Thursday Oct 08, 2009
Episode 030 - Be Suspicious of a Woman Who can Do Good Sound Effects
Thursday Oct 08, 2009
Thursday Oct 08, 2009
Yes, the grammar in that title is atrocious, but it's got you wondering, hasn't it? Listen in as Scott's wife, Mary Ann, takes Elton's challenge to defend all of womanity and make machine gun sounds. Scott has a puppet... and it's cute. Prisoners are getting drunk in Europe ... on hand sanitizer. And, who is Noel MacNeal. All that and more await you in Episode 30. It's a bombast-a-palooza... so get in on it and listen to the show.

Tuesday Sep 29, 2009
Episode 029 - Beware the Clown With a Manly Name
Tuesday Sep 29, 2009
Tuesday Sep 29, 2009
Scott and Elton (finally... sorry guys) get this episode released. In it you'll learn about The Fourth Kind, why Scott wishes he was Obi-Wan, why Elton thinks coulrophobes are fakers, and much more. Would you name your son "Batman Bin Suparman"? Nor would we. Don't you think the man with the manliest name in the world should be named "Rocky" or "Rocko" or "Van" or "Vince" or "Elton"? Yeah, us too. This sentence has five words. Pretty cool, huh? That's called an "autogram" learn about that a lots more in this week's episode. (Sorry for the delay) Enjoy and spread the word.

Thursday Sep 10, 2009
Episode 028 - To Make Your Christmas Brighter, You Need The Energizer
Thursday Sep 10, 2009
Thursday Sep 10, 2009
Welcome everyone to another episode of Bombast. Where do we start? Well, the kids are going back to school and may we say WOOTS!! In news, an armless man has trouble at a US bank & pigs stop people from bumming in the woods. We then talk parties, sleepovers and football riots. We finish the show with a selection of old commercials from both sides of the water. Enjoy and spread the word.

Wednesday Sep 02, 2009
Episode 027 - Only Mother Nature Should Be Making Waves
Wednesday Sep 02, 2009
Wednesday Sep 02, 2009
Everyone's here and we have a very special episode for you with news, websites, conference calls, all the good stuff. The boys talk a bit about their trips, respond to some email (including an offer to share more than 4 million US dollars with a woman named "Ria"), and talk movies/reboots with their friends from the Geek Squared Podcast. Scott gives Elton a website to play with... and play with it he does. It's a great episode, and we're sure you'll love it... . Heck, what other podcast can brag they have fans who are six-feet under ground in Rosedale Cemetary in Los Angeles, California. Only the Bombast Podcast can. Thanks for listening, and be sure to check the show notes!

Sunday Aug 23, 2009
Episode 026 - Sometimes You Just Have To Take That First Step
Sunday Aug 23, 2009
Sunday Aug 23, 2009
With Elton and Scott both heading out on holiday/vacations, Scott opted to talk a little about the origins of the show and to release the mp3 "introduction/audition" he sent Elton on October 31, 2008. Isn't his fear of rejection palpable? There are several links in the show notes - be sure to use 'em. The boys will be back home by the time you listen to this and a new, "more traditional" episode 027 of the Bombast Podcast will be up for you before September starts. Thank you for all your interest and support, and don't forget to contact us about commercials you love/hate/remember most.

Sunday Aug 16, 2009
Episode 025 - Never Cross Your Phobias With Your Philias
Sunday Aug 16, 2009
Sunday Aug 16, 2009
Listen in as Elton and Scott discuss Elton's son's birthday, Scott's thoughts on Transformers 2, Formula 1 crashes, commercials, phobias and philias. The show notes are jam packed with links. We want to know what commercials you love/hate/remember most.