
Sunday Aug 09, 2009
Episode 024 - Be Careful What you Leave as a Phone Message
Sunday Aug 09, 2009
Sunday Aug 09, 2009
Olga, we don't blame you for ignoring Demitri - he's a tool. Swine Flu reaches Elton's village. Cheers to Amanda for her 5K run and to Elton for having a soft spot for cute, fuzzy ducks. Boo to arsonists, people who hit alligators with sticks, and blog content thieves. As always, lots of links in the show notes related to this episode's content - check 'em out. Don't forget to check out our (spoiler free for Season 6) podcast about the TV show LOST: ReThinking Lost. Email, feedback, and ITunes reviews ALWAYS welcome.

Monday Jul 27, 2009
Episode 023 - Don't Go Swimming Alone In a Vat of Chocolate
Monday Jul 27, 2009
Monday Jul 27, 2009
Scott phones Elton from an undisclosed location (it's Gilford, New Hampshire) and the boys talk about lake monsters, life on Venus, ways to die, and much more. Scott tells Elton about the addictinggames.com website, and Elton laments the time he wasted playing Citadel. Lots of links in the show notes - check 'em out. Please give a listen to our new (spoiler free for Season 6) podcast about the TV show LOST: ReThinking Lost. Email, feedback, and ITunes reviews ALWAYS welcome.

Friday Jul 10, 2009
Episode 022 - Make Your Last Picture A Good One
Friday Jul 10, 2009
Friday Jul 10, 2009
Disclaimer: the first 59 seconds of this episode are some of the most intense you'll ever hear on the internet - and of course, they have absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the show. Elton and Scott invite Boz from the Here Goes Nothing podcast for a Skype chat about Transformers 2 and Guitar Hero. South Park and a Transformer fan-made movie are referenced: links to full videos are in the show notes. Scott introduces Elton to a list of 10 Amazing Last Pictures from Listverse.com. By the way, the boys have started a new podcast about the TV show LOST. Please go visit it. And as always, please use the show notes links and send us feedback.

Friday Jul 03, 2009
Episode 021 - Kids, Wear Your Seatbelts
Friday Jul 03, 2009
Friday Jul 03, 2009
Elton and Scott move their discussion of conspiracy theories overseas. The boys discuss laced bubble gum in the Middle East, Global Warming, the deaths of Lady Di and Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr's rejection of his fans, cloning, our reptilian overlords, and the assassination of JFK, among other things. As always, please check out the show notes and send us feedback. Peace and love, peace and love.

Sunday Jun 28, 2009
Episode 020 - Always Double Check Google Maps
Sunday Jun 28, 2009
Sunday Jun 28, 2009
Elton and Scott bounce back from a sub-par show with a great discussion of conspiracy theories (oooooooh). It's so good, that they decide to schedule a few more for episode 21, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here... dig in and enjoy the analysis of the Moon Landing, Roswell, 9/11, and pregnant Englishmen. Much, much, much info in the show notes... check it out. Great links that reinforce what we talk about.

Monday Jun 22, 2009
Episode 019 - Run From The Doll With Buttons For Eyes
Monday Jun 22, 2009
Monday Jun 22, 2009
You join us moments after Scott spilt his red soda all over his computer, what a silly billy! We then get down to talking about Calculator Watches & the mild feeling of OCD. Elton's PS3 died but with the aid of YouTube is now fixed. He was also a little freeked out by 'Coraline'. Web sites include runpee.com & an article about "100 Days of....." In News we talk about the orbit of Mercury and a star that looks like it could blow. Enjoy and lets us know what you like and dislike. Also lets us know about your crappiest free gadgets. Thanks.

Monday Jun 15, 2009
Episode 018 - Sometimes a Sword is Just a Sword
Monday Jun 15, 2009
Monday Jun 15, 2009
Blakey Bizz of joins Scott and Elton on this episode of the Bombast Podcast. Topics include the (over)use of the word "pet" and Scott used the mystic art of Kokology to get Elton and Blakey to reveal intimate bits about themselves. Elton went to watch the Cheese Rolling, and we learn that he once was the victim of a drive-by psychic reading. Be sure to send us an email at bombastpodcast @ gmail.com or follow us on twitter. Check out the show notes - they're there for you.

Wednesday Jun 03, 2009
Episode 017 - Keep Fish Away From Your Privates
Wednesday Jun 03, 2009
Wednesday Jun 03, 2009
Here is the episode that oh so nearly didn't make it after Elton's computer decided to die, but onwards to our show. Elton's son (Jacob) brakes his arm & Scott tried to have a dinner party. We talk about the Eurovision Song Contest and Elton gets a picture of a mobility scooter in the road. In the news stories a giant Catfish named The Goonch has been found & a14 year old boy and a fish have a coming together......ouch! We finish off with a web site Kids-In-Mind. Thanks for listening. Drop us some feedback at bombastpodcast@gmail.com or leave a comment on the site. We are also in need of review in iTunes so please, please, please make it a good 'en.

Friday May 22, 2009
Episode 016 - No Piece of Cheese is Worth 1.10
Friday May 22, 2009
Friday May 22, 2009
On Episode 16 of AoaB we talk Captchas, Elton lives to tell the tail of the falling bed & Scott is conned for cheese. oh, Scott also saw a certian movie at the flicks........ can you guess what one? In News the oldest lady in the world dies, the Japanese kneel at the throne and we discover where to aim while peeing. We dive into the CO.CC website. Scott tests Elton's knowledge of movie lines. To finish we have a great audio comment from the one and only Boz.

Friday May 15, 2009
Episode 015 - Mark Your Calendars...
Friday May 15, 2009
Friday May 15, 2009
The actual title is "Mark Your Calendars for the Week of Solidarity with the People of Non-Self-Governing Territories (May 25 - 31)" but it's too long. So, along come Scott's favorite punctuation mark: the elipses. Anyhoo, we've got this conference call thing down now - so we get to chat with Scuttercast's own Anthony (aka OriStudFarm). We run down the answers to the Episode 12 Easter Egg Hunt and declare a winner, plus we talk about holidays and one particularly bad car accident which ruined an "intimate moment." As always, we appreciate hearing any thing you'd like to share.

Saturday May 02, 2009
Episode 014 - It's Elton's Birthday
Saturday May 02, 2009
Saturday May 02, 2009
It's the 14th episode of "An Apotheosis of a Bombast." This episode includes weird news of divorces, dying donkeys, supermen, and surviving nuclear explosions. Elton found some cool games on the net, and Scott found a site full of lists "that go up to 11." Scott and Elton find out what it truly means to be "free range" - and it scares them. Oh, and did we mention it's Elton's birthday? You know where to find us - hit us up with some feedback.

Tuesday Apr 21, 2009
Episode 013 - WARNING: This Podcast Contains Words
Tuesday Apr 21, 2009
Tuesday Apr 21, 2009
WARNING: We will be telling you about the show here. We start with a little banter about Transformer toys and the Easter period. Scott has a news story of a man who died, and the best ways to inform your imaginary friends of your demise. A $160M lawsuit has been filed. We finish by going through a couple of silly warning signs.

Saturday Apr 11, 2009
Episode 012 - The Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday Apr 11, 2009
Saturday Apr 11, 2009
Here is a special Easter Egg Hunt episode of "An Apotheosis of a Bombast." Elton and Scott challenge you to answer 12 questions. Find the answers (aka "Easter Eggs") and send them to us. The questions are posted in the show notes on the podcast website. A special guest makes a brief appearance to discuss Godzilla and wonders whether a nerd really would want to bend over and be a hurdle for a track guy. Check the show notes, visit the sites, and hit us up with some feedback please!

Monday Apr 06, 2009
Episode 011 - Just Use Tape
Monday Apr 06, 2009
Monday Apr 06, 2009
First on a rather blurry list..... accents. Scott has been pimpin' himself on Nerd Hurdles & the Dharma Dummies. We reply to an Email from oriSTUDFARM of Scutter Cast and talk about the time thing again (this one won't go away!), products that have changed their name and Alpha-Betty Spaghetti. In the news (old and new): the console shocker & 20 useless gadgets. We also take a look at the 'Most irritating Phrases' in the English language, a meet of Where's Waldo look-a-llikes and go through the 'Universal Record Data Base' with records from the longest Vulcan ears, the most bead necklace's, the most cigaretts lit in one go, and the longest bruise. Scott finishes up by looking at a video game swap site.

Friday Mar 27, 2009
Episode 010 - Don’t Assume You’re The Fastest Syrup Drinker In The World
Friday Mar 27, 2009
Friday Mar 27, 2009
In this weeks show Scott talks about last weeks Street Hockey antics & his son (Jay) is stunned by the busy tone on a phone. The universal phone charger is just around the corner. Elton gets confused when a discussion about losing a day rears up and does his best to antagonize Eskimos. We finish off with three unofficial world records... with the promise it will be continued.